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Docker command

 The Docker documentation is a comprehensive resource that provides detailed information about Docker's features, concepts, and usage. It covers a wide range of topics, including installation, getting started, Dockerfile syntax, Docker Compose, networking, volumes, security, and more. 

The Docker documentation is organized into several sections, making it easy to navigate and find the information you need. Some key sections of the documentation include:

  1. Get Started: This section provides step-by-step instructions on installing Docker on various operating systems and introduces the basic concepts of Docker.

  2. Docker CLI: Here, you can find detailed documentation on Docker command-line interface (CLI) commands and their usage. It covers commands for managing containers, images, networks, volumes, and more.

  3. Dockerfile: This section explains the syntax and usage of Dockerfiles, which are used to define the instructions for building Docker images. It covers various Dockerfile instructions and best practices.

  4. Docker Compose: Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. This section provides documentation on the Compose file format, services, networks, volumes, and other features.

  5. Docker Swarm: Docker Swarm is a native clustering and orchestration solution provided by Docker. This section covers topics related to creating and managing Swarm clusters, deploying services, scaling, and other Swarm-specific features.

  6. Docker Security: Docker provides various security features and best practices to ensure the safety and integrity of your containers. This section covers topics such as container isolation, user namespaces, image security scanning, and more.

  7. Docker API: Docker provides a RESTful API for programmatic interaction with Docker resources. This section provides documentation on the Docker API endpoints and their usage.

Docker commands:

  1. docker run: Create and start a new container from an image. Example: docker run hello-world

  2. docker ps: List all running containers. Example: docker ps

  3. docker stop: Stop a running container. Example: docker stop container_id

  4. docker start: Start a stopped container. Example: docker start container_id

  5. docker restart: Stop and start a container. Example: docker restart container_id

  6. docker rm: Remove a container. Example: docker rm container_id

  7. docker images: List all available images. Example: docker images

  8. docker rmi: Remove an image. Example: docker rmi image_id

  9. docker pull: Pull an image from a registry. Example: docker pull image_name

  10. docker push: Push an image to a registry. Example: docker push image_name

  11. docker build: Build an image from a Dockerfile. Example: docker build -t image_name .

  12. docker exec: Run a command inside a running container. Example: docker exec container_id command

  13. docker logs: View the logs of a container. Example: docker logs container_id

  14. docker inspect: Display detailed information about a container or image. Example: docker inspect container_id

  15. docker network: Manage Docker networks. Example: docker network create network_name

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